Sustainable Agriculture For Economic Resiliency (SAFER)

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Households benefited from the SAFER intervention.
Why It Matters:

Understanding the impact of our work is not just a responsibility; it is a core value at STO-SS but also accountability to the communities we serve
23334 Households impacted
400 CAFAG reached
Over 5K hectares of farm operated
20,415 cubic meter surface water rehabilitated
15,946 fingerlings distributed
50.1% of beneficiaries were women

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Project Duration: Initially 24 months (April 2018 – April 2020), extended by 3 months to June 2020

Funding Source: United States Agency for International Development (USAID)

Target Area: Yambio, Nzara, and Tambura counties of Western Equatoria, South Sudan

Initial Target Beneficiaries: 23,334 Households (HHs), later increased to include an additional 800 HHs (400 in June 2018 and 400 in March 2019)

Sustainable Agriculture For Economic Resiliency (SAFER) that is being implemented by STO, facilitated by FAO and funded by USAID, is a project that focuses on promoting sustainable livelihoods of the rural population through interventions which aim to strengthen the resiliency and boost the productivity of different households in suitable enterprises.

The project plays a key role in supporting agriculture to build the resilience of rural livelihoods in response to conflict. It is improving the livelihoods of farmer groups in Yambio (Yambio town, Gangura and Bangasu Payams), Nzara (Nzara Centre, Basukangbi and Sakure Payams) and Tombura (Tombura Centre, Mupoi and Source Yubu Payams) that experienced stressed and crisis levels of food insecurity due to the civil conflict that is coming to an end.

SAFER focuses its interventions on the following:

  1. Household and community livelihoods are restored and diversified through identifying viable or existing alternative or secondary livelihood/income-generating activities that engage especially women and youth groups in a participatory manner.
  2. Good agricultural production practices are restored and strengthened; this is being done by supporting households in strengthening sustainable agricultural production practices through the provision of quality agricultural inputs, with technical support and training.

Community and intercommunal resource sharing and management practices strengthened, this output is protecting, securing and reducing tension in accessing natural resources through peace-building platforms and common activities in a natural setting

The development hypothesis of SAFER is that “if the project can strengthen and diversify livelihood systems, as well as restore good agricultural production practices, while simultaneously strengthening rural community and intercommunal resource sharing and management practices, then food security and resilience of the targeted populations in Western Equatoria are being enhanced.


Impact and Outlook:

The SAFER project supported the formation and strengthening of 129 crop production groups, involving 21,676 individuals (50.1% females), cultivating over 12,168 feddans (5,111 hectares) of various crops. Support was provided to 8 capture fishers' groups and 8 fish farm groups, with 20,415 M3 of water surface rehabilitated or constructed for fishponds, and 15,946 fingerlings stocked
Formation of 6 livestock groups, with support focused on 2 groups for pen fattening, shelter construction, and animal feed production. Identification of 116 enterprise groups, trained in various skills including business skills, post-harvest technologies, and village saving and loan schemes. Formation of 2 Natural Resource Management Committees per county, conducting community awareness and overseeing tree nursery groups and water management committees. Regular monitoring is conducted through field visits by STO and FAO teams, supported by community leaders and government officials. Installation of complaints boxes and hotlines for beneficiary feedback in project areas. Accountable and evolving implementation approach reflected in adjustments made based on periodic feedback and evaluations. Project implementation was largely successful, with 91% expenditure of the total project budget. The remaining interventions and activities are recommended to be completed in subsequent phases to consolidate project outcomes. Recommendation to continue support for SAFER groups for at least one or two planting seasons and scale up activities to ensure tangible and sustainable outcomes.

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