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Our Values & Policies

Helping communities to build and live better lives.
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Our mission and vision encapsulate the aspirations that guide our every endeavor, shaping a future where communities thrive and individuals flourish.

Commitment, positive and sustainable change


To create a hunger and poverty free world in which everyone leads a fulfilling and dignified life



To support the needy communities in attaining sustainable food security and economic prosperity through adoption of modern agriculture practice, entrepreneurship, and improved access to clean and safe water, in an environmentally-friendly manner.


✓ Alleviate poverty through community empowerment and participation

✓ Inculcate self-reliance through sensitization and advocacy

.✓ Promote innovations, research, and break new grounds for appropriate pragmatic development methodologies.

✓ Collaborate with other agencies in the socio-economic development forum


Our Core Values

Welcome to the Core Values Section of STO-SS, where our principles guide every action and define the essence of our commitment to South Sudan. At the heart of our organization lies a set of core values that serve as the compass for our mission to create lasting positive change.



✓ Integrity ✓ Leadership

✓ Impartiality ✓ Accountability

✓ Social Justice ✓ Community Empowerment


Our journey and how we began


An idea born of necessity. In 2010 a team of development and socio-economic transformation Enthusiast, who had completed their undergraduate and graduate schools from neighbouring countries and some from overseas, envisioned the idea of a community initiative with an integral approach to human development. The upbringing of the founding minds can be traced back to a refugee’s settlement in small Central African Republican town of Mboki. Coming together is in the cultural and philosophical DNA of Africa, as per the “Ubuntu philosophy” which remained the founding Moto for the organization and gave rise to the establishment of Star Trust Organization (STO).

Being a multi-prong initiative, and from the personal experiences of the founders, who had to walk over 300km through deep jungles of Central Africa and sometimes had to sleep on empty stomach to access education; the idea of model secondary school to address the dire need for a quality education institution in the region, was realized in 2011 with the establishment of Kings College Yambio (KCY). Since then the school has prepared over 500 students to tertiary institutions, within and in the neighbouring countries. The school has become an esteemed and reputable centre of academic excellence in the region. To meet the high demand exerted by students from all over the region and beyond, a relocation was prompted by 2014 to a new site, where it continues to support over 1000 students yearly.

While establishing the school, a few livelihood activities were undertaken at that time such as the distribution of seeds, seedlings and tools to farmers. The success stories of such interventions to mention jackfruit can evidently be seen in the community markets and individual houses in Yambio County. In 2012 the organization completed the legal framework of its operation and secured the certificate of incorporation with the ministry of justice & legal affairs and with Relief & Rehabilitation Commission (RRC)

Star Trust Organization hit trajectory from the initial single county of operations in 2010 to three in 2013. STO continued to grow both in scope and scale and reached five, six and nine counties by 2015, 2016 and 2018 respectively.

The operational edge combined with the fast track increase in the scope and operations of the organization engendered presence in the South Sudanese capital Juba. And in 2018 a liaison office was established located as mentioned on the website.

Star Trust Organization is committed to serving the downtrodden population of South Sudan in a good and trustworthy manner has demonstrated in the zeal and commitment to the cause of rural development, economic empowerment through agribusiness, livelihood and sustainable food security in the most innovative and environmentally friendly manner possible.


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